
Use the search function to find all Northern Beaches Council sportsfields by name and if they are open or closed for use. You can also use the facilities search area to find a field by sport type.

Council may give lower impact sports discretion to play on wet fields. Lower impact sports include; athletics, archery, baseball, cricket, netball, softball. Higher impact sports include; AFL, hockey, oz-tag/eagle tag, frisbee, rugby league and union, soccer and touch.

When are wet weather updates made?

Wet weather information is updated on the following schedule:

  • Weekdays - 8am and 3pm 
  • Weekends and public holidays - 7am

Updates are only made in wet weather periods.

If it rains after these updates a sporting association may make the decision to not proceed with some games.


Please note that synthetic all-weather sportsfields are allocated to specific sporting groups each season, they are not available for one off bookings or casual use during wet weather.   Please forward any requests to use a synthetic field to or 02 8495 5009.