Exempt Species
The following tree species are suitable for removal without consent unless identified as a heritage item or within a heritage area.
Species Name | Common Name |
Acacia baileyana | Cootamundra Wattle |
Acacia saligna | Golden Wreath (or Willow) Wattle |
Acer negundo | Box Elder |
Alianthus altissima | Tree of Heaven |
All Ficus spp. (except F macrophylla. F.rubiginosa, F. coronata | All Ficus spp. (except Moreton Bay Fig. Port Jackson Fig, Sandpaper Fig |
Alnus jorullensis | Evergreen Alder |
Araucaria bidwillii Not Norfolk Island Pines | Bunya Bunya Pine |
Brachychiton acerifolius | Illawarra Flame Tree |
Cassia spp | Cassia |
Castanospermum australe | Black Bean, Moreton Bay Chestnut |
Celtis australis | Hackberry |
Cinnamomum camphora | Camphor laurel |
Citharexylum spinosum | Fiddlewood |
Cotoneaster glaucophyllus | Cotoneaster |
Cupaniopsis anacardioides | Tuckeroo |
Cupressus spp. Cupressocyparis spp. Chamaecyparis spp. | Cypress Pine |
Eriobotrya japonica, Carica papaya, Citrus spp. Fortunella spp. Malus spp. Morus spp. Persea spp. Prunus spp. | All non-native fruit producing trees (Loquat, Paw Paw, Citrus, Kumquat, Apple, Mulberry, Avocado, Apricot, Almond, Cherry, Plum, Peach, Mango |
Erythrina spp. | Coral Tree |
Eucalyptus nicholi | Peppermint Gum |
Eucalyptus scoparia | Wallangarra White Gum |
Fraxinus griffithii | Himalayan Ash / Griffiths Ash |
Gleditsia triacanthos | Honey Locust |
Grevillea robusta | Silky Oak |
Harpephyllum caffrum | Kaffir Plum |
Jacaranda mimosifolia | Jacaranda |
Lagerstroemia | Crepe Myrtle |
Lagunaria patersonia | Norfolk Island Hibiscus |
Ligustrum spp. | Large and Small leaf Privet |
Liquidambar styriflua | Liquidambar |
Nerium oleander | Oleander |
Olea spp. | Olive |
Palms other than Livistona australis | Palms other than Cabbage Tree Palm |
Paraserianthes lophantha | Crested Wattle |
Pinus spp. | Pine |
Pittosporum spp.(up to 8m) | Pittosporum |
Populus spp. | Poplar |
Pyracantha angustifolia | Orange Fire Thorn |
Raphiolepis indica | Indian Hawthorn |
Robinia pseudoacacia | False Acacia |
Salix spp. | Willow |
Sapium sebiferum | Chinese Tallow |
Schefflera actinophylla | Umbrella Tree |
Spathodea campanulata | African Tulip Tree |
Syagrus (Arecastrum) romanzoffiana | Cocos Palm |
Ulmus parvifolia | Chinese Elm |
Note - Noxious Weed Act now superseded by Biosecurity Act 2015. Any species previously identified as noxious, now called priority weed species, refer to Greater Sydney Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan