Trees play a vital role in the health, social framework and economic sustainability of an area. Trees are on the job working for us 24 hours a day. Every day improving our environment and quality of life. In the long term, they often create a very real ‘sense of place’ and enhance the public domain. Trees can also:
- Provide habitat for native animals
- Reduce the effects of urban heat
- Reduce airborne pollution
- Reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
- Protect from soil erosion
- Encourage outdoor activity
- Reduce exposure to the sun and UV rays
- Improve physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing
- Create privacy and lessen noise
- Provide a connection to nature
- Soften and screen street infrastructure
- Reduce demand for energy
- Contribute to ecological biodiversity
Council is committed to the protection of trees and bushland on the Northern Beaches, but understands people need to maintain and manage trees on their property. They can be fire or storm hazards, get too big for comfort and even cause neighbourly disputes. Find out what you need to know whether you want to prune, remove or plant a tree.