If any trees on public, Council-managed land are causing you concern or affecting your property please report the public tree and our fully qualified arborists will assess the tree and recommend what work can be undertaken.
What work might we do
Habitat Trees
For habitat trees, we will remove the minimum amount to make tree safe (unless it's a risk to a road, property or access) while still retaining habitat value, such as leaving a hollow stump for nesting birds.
Root Pruning, Pruning Branches and Crowning
- Crown-raising for pedestrian or vehicular access where it's not detrimental to the tree.
- Maintenance pruning to remove dead, diseased, dying and defective branches.
- Selective pruning to remove branches causing conflict, such as excessive encroachment onto buildings.
- Root pruning to reduce damage to built and natural structures.
- Pruning for vehicle sight lines, signage, and Roads and Maritime Services requirements.
- Service wire clearances are carried out by Ausgrid in bush fire zone areas or where the line is not insulated.
Tree Removal
- Removal of unsuitable or hazardous trees.
- Emergency works related to storms or major service disruptions or damage where there is no alternative.
- Removal of trees in conflict with utilities and built structures where all engineering alternatives have been considered.
Work we will not consider
- Pruning of trees contrary to Australian Standards 4373.
- Pruning beyond what a particular species will tolerate, eg. figs pruned by more than 10% are predisposed to sunburn.
- Requests for topping of trees.
- Chemical controls unless absolutely necessary, such as termite control on nature strips.
Tree Removal
- Removing healthy and stable trees.
- Removing healthy trees with good structure and no obvious defects.
- Removing trees for views, solar access, leaf, fruit or sap drop, bird or bat droppings.
- Removing trees causing damage to structures such as footpaths, fences, damage to sewer pipes, built structures and driveways unless all other alternatives have been exhausted.
- Removal of trees over 5m in height for new driveway access or crossovers unless all other alternatives have been exhausted.
- New developments should consider an existing street tree at the design and planning stage, removal would only be considered where the tree is under 5m or is in poor condition.
- Council may require root mapping to determine impacts to roots when applying for driveway levels.
- Approved tree removals for new driveways are undertaken at the applicants expense and must be carried out by an approved Contractor. Council may condition replanting as part of the driveway consent.
We will do what we can to help
If trees on any public land are affecting you, please feel free to report the public tree or call Council's on 1300 434 434.