Buying or adopting a new pet is a delight, but it does come with responsibilities. Make sure you’re ready to take on an animal and that you have the right house for the breed you’re choosing. Find out what you can do to keep your pet, your neighbours and your community happy.
Owning a cat is a big responsibility. Although most cats make terrific companions, are fairly independent and easy to maintain, the decision to add another member to your family is an important one. Think carefully before buying a cat and never buy a pet impulsively.
Where Your Cat Can’t Go
Be a responsible cat owner and keep your cat out of wildlife protection areas, that is all national parks, most bushland areas and some parks and reserves. Keep your cat away from any area where an endangered species or other wildlife live.
Considerations Before Buying a Cat
Owning a cat is a big responsibility. Make sure you have the means to provide veterinary care and food for your cat. Some cats can live more than 20 years so it is a true commitment. Finally, be sure everybody in your house will love and welcome your new feline.
When Your Cat Comes Home
Cats are hunters and an important factor in the decline of native animal populations. Northern Beaches Council encourages all cat owners to keep their cats indoors at night, to not feed stray cats and to have your cat cared for properly when you’re away on holidays.
Nuisance Cats
Cats who attack native wildlife, destroy property or cause too much noise are deemed a nuisance. Keep your cat indoors, especially at night. Cats are big sleepers so provide entertainment for them when they’re awake. Have a scratching post, shelves, and boxes to keep them amused. Keep a litter box for your cat inside. Report a nuisance cat.
Safe and Happy Cats
We’re huge cat-lovers, with an estimated 50,000 animals living on the Northern Beaches. But according to RSPCA NSW, 2 in 3 cat owners have lost a cat to a roaming-related accident and 1 in 3 to a car accident!
That is why we are partnering with RSPCA NSW on their Keeping Cats Safe at Home program. This 4-year education project is funded by the NSW Government to encourage cat owners to adopt a safe-at-home lifestyle, protecting their favourite feline from outdoor threats and reducing their impact on our native wildlife.
Check out their Keeping Your Cat Safe and Happy At Home brochure, which has plenty of helpful information on what you need to provide for your cat inside, and how you can even offer your cat safe access to fresh air and the outdoors. View the RSPCA website
When you are out an about with your dog, make sure it is leashed and under effective control. Take your dog to dog friendly and unleashed parks and pick up your dog’s waste so nobody steps in it.
Where Your Dog Can’t Go
Be a responsible dog owner and keep your dog out of food consumption areas, wildlife protection areas, school or children’s playgrounds or within 10 metres of children's play equipment. Look out for and observe dog prohibition areas. Fines may apply if your dog is found somewhere it shouldn’t be.
Considerations Before Buying a Dog
Owning a dog is a huge responsibility. Dogs need exercising as well as your time. Make sure you have the means to train, provide veterinary care and feed your dog for the next 15+ years. Finally, be sure everybody in your house will love and welcome your new pooch.
When Your Dog Comes Home
Bringing a new puppy or dog home is exciting. Check your yard is fenced so your dog can’t escape. Make sure you’re at home often with your dog or take it with you. Protect native animals and keep your dog in at night.
Barking Dogs
Barking occasionally is a natural response, however excessive barking around residential areas can be disruptive. If you are concerned about a dog barking, first speak to the owner as they may not be aware of the issue. For guidance on speaking with your neighbour we recommend you visit the Communities and Justice Centre. Welfare concerns should be directed to the RSPCA, the Animal Welfare League or NSW Police. Report a barking dog to Council.
Exercise Your Dog
Let your best friend let off steam in our dog exercise areas. Northern Beaches Council has a large number of areas to exercise your dog off the leash. There are also some exercise areas with restricted times. View all dog parks and find out the restrictions
The law requires that your dog must be under effective control at all times and that you dispose of dog poo in a suitable manner. For your convenience, Council has provided dog litter bins at some unleashed dog exercise areas.
Dog Attack
If you or your dog has been attacked, then please call us on 1300 434 434 ideally within 24 hours of the incident and provide as much information as possible to assist us.