Planning Enquiry Service
Council provides Planning Enquiry Officers (Duty Planners) to assist you in understanding Council's planning controls, the Development Assessment process and to answer general planning enquiries.
You can discuss your matter by phone or in person:
- Call 1300 434 434
- Visit Council's Customer Service Centre at 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why
Book an appointment using the button below:
The Planning Enquiry Officers are available to:
- Provide information on the DA assessment process and how you can track the progress of your DA.
- Provide information on where you can find Council’s Planning controls (such as Local Environmental Plans and Development Control Plans) and provide general assistance with interpretation of the controls. The Officers are not able to provide detailed information on which controls apply to development or the likelihood of any variation to the controls being supported by Council.
- Provide assistance with understanding plans and information submitted with a development application during the DA notification period. The Officers are not able to provide advice on the likely outcome of any application.
- Provide information on how you can obtain higher level planning advice via Council’s Pre-Lodgement process. The Officers are not able to provide advice regarding the merits or likelihood of approval of a proposal.
- Provide general advice on whether a development requires a DA or direct you to where you can obtain this information. The Officers are not able to provide any detailed or site specific assessment or advice as to whether a development meets the provisions as exempt or complying development.
Please note, due to the high demand on this service, we are unable to go through all controls in detail or provide a detailed assessment of any development proposal you may be considering. You may wish to provide information such as a sketch plan or a photo (over the counter only) to enable the Officer to provide you with more effective and accurate advice during your discussion.
Council's planning controls and policies are available for you to review to determine what the site can accommodate. Please note, you may need to seek professional advice from an architect, draughtsperson and/or planner, before preparing development plans.
It is recommended that you consider Council’s Pre-Lodgement Service for any large or more complex proposals. Further information on this service can be found on our Application Process page.