In spending money on goods, works and services Northern Beaches Council is committed to achieving value-for-money whilst being fair, ethical and transparent. The principles guiding all procurement activities are detailed in our Procurement Policy.
The procurement process followed is dependent on the total value of the requirement. Current opportunities can be accessed through our etendering portal Tenderlink.
General Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
Northern Beaches Council Purchase Order Terms and Conditions apply to all orders for goods and services placed by Council where there is no valid written contract in place between the parties that would be applicable to the supply of those goods and services.
Additional Requirements for Working with Council
Northern Beaches Council is committed to providing a healthy and safe work environment for all of our people including contractors; everyone working with Council must comply with our Work Health and Safety Policy and our Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy.
For further information on Council’s alcohol and drug testing program please read our Contractors Information Sheet.
Council Operates Workplace Surveillance; this Surveillance may impact Contractors and Service providers working for and with Northern Beaches Council.
All Contractors and Service providers are required to familiarise themselves with Council's Workplace Surveillance Policy.
An ethical relationship
Northern Beaches Council (Council) is committed to conducting its business in a sound commercial and ethical manner having regard to NSW Government and Council policies. Council will demonstrate and practice a professional and ethical approach to all its business activities. Our Statement of Business Ethics lets you know what you should expect from Council and what we expect from you.