Ingleside is located in the Northern Beaches Local Government Area. It comprises approximately 700 hectares of land between Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, Garigal National Park and Ingleside Chase Reserve.
Ingleside Precinct - Decision by NSW Government
On 10 June 2022 Department of Planning & Environment announced it had completed its planning work for Ingleside & will not be proceeding with the Ingleside Place Strategy.
The Department acknowledges the cost of providing essential local infrastructure and acquiring land for water cycle management, flooding and riparian corridor protection creates uncertainty regarding the viability of delivering homes in Ingleside.
The Department is publishing the Draft Ingleside Place Strategy Consultation Outcomes Report along with all submissions on its website.
Council will now consider any future planning for Ingleside as part of our new Northern Beaches Local Environment Plan and Development Control Plan.
- July 2013 - Ingleside precinct planning project formally began - led by the Department of Planning and Environment, in collaboration with the former Pittwater Council and Landcom (previously UrbanGrowth, NSW).
- December 2016 - a Draft Land Use and Infrastructure Strategy and Draft Structure Plan were released for community consultation.
- In 2018, in response to community submissions and complying with the Planning for Bush fire Protection 2018, a Bush Fire Risk Assessment identified bush fire concerns. The assessment, while delaying the project, was essential to ensure appropriate planning outcomes are achieved for the precinct.
- November 2018 -The NSW Government announced that the draft structure plan was withdrawn as it required significant revisions to respond and reflect the identified bush fire risk.
- On 25 May 2021 the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment released a draft Ingleside Place Strategy on public exhibition for community feedback.This plan significantly reduces the maximum number of new homes proposed due to bushfire risk and includes new safety measures and evacuation plans.
- At the Council meeting on 27 July 2021, Council resolved to reject the draft Place Strategy. Council's submission was then forwarded to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for their consideration. View the BlackAsh Consulting review (Council's bushfire consultant).
- On 10 July 2022, the Department of Planning and Environment announced it had completed its planning work for Ingleside and will not be proceeding with the Ingleside Place Strategy. Council will now consider any future planning for Ingleside as part of our Local Environment Plan.