Lindy - Community Engagement Officer
Finding herself dressed in a full body bandicoot costume in front of a classroom full of excited children wasn’t something Lindy thought she would be doing as a Council worker.
“It was loads of fun but definitely unexpected! It was part of a school education program and Billy the Bandicoot was a Council mascot at the time. It made for an interesting but worthwhile day!” she said.
Now a Community Engagement Officer at Northern Beaches Council, a genuine passion for the local area is what motivates Lindy to come to work every day.
“The Northern Beaches is an incredible place and I’m in a position where I can help the community have a say in what’s happening in their local area.
“For each project we work on, I want to understand what our residents value about their area, help them to engage and get involved in council projects.
“Whether it’s the construction of a playground, a policy review or a new masterplan, I work with project teams in Council to make sure we are effectively engaging with our community. That may include collecting feedback online or face to face, through workshops and drop in sessions.
While Lindy’s role can get stressful, she says her team keeps her level headed.
“I work with a great team who inspire me by believing in the work that Council does and being excited about the future of community consultation. My colleagues keep me calm, are always willing to listen but can dish out tough advice when it’s needed!”