Tuesday, 12 September 2023

We are fortunate to live so close to such beautiful bushland here on the Northern Beaches, but with this comes the risk of bush fires especially during the warmer months.

The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) is encouraging us to be prepared with their Get Ready Weekend on 16 - 17 September.

Local brigades will be running a series of events across the weekend, with firefighters on hand to provide helpful tips to prepare you and your home.

They are encouraging us to prepare a Bush Fire Survival Plan, citing that a well-prepared home is much more likely to survive a bush fire.

The survival plan offers four easy steps:

Step 1 - Discuss what to do if a bush fire threatens your home

Many households find that having a discussion over dinner works best as everybody is together and focused. Use myfireplan.com.au to guide your conversation.

Step 2 - Prepare your home and get it ready for bush fire season

There are simple things you can do around your home to prepare it for a bush fire such as:

  • Trimming overhanging trees and shrubs
  • Keeping lawns short and gardens well maintained and removing material that can burn around your home e.g. wood piles, mulch and leaves
  • Removing debris and leaves from your gutters, and installing metal gutter guards
  • Preparing a sturdy hose/s that will reach around your home. Find out more.

Step 3 - Know the bush fire alert levels

If there is a fire in your area you will find its alert level on the NSW RFS website and in the ‘Hazards Near Me’ app. You need to keep track of the alert level so you know what you should do.

Step 4 - Keep all the bush fire information numbers, websites and the ‘Hazards near me’ app

In a bush fire, it’s important that you stay up to date on conditions in your area. Even if your plan is to leave early, the more you prepare, the more likely your home will survive a bush fire or ember attack.

A well-prepared home can be easier for you or firefighters to defend and is less likely to put your neighbours' homes at risk. A well-prepared home will also give you more protection if a fire threatens suddenly and you cannot leave.

Find out more about being bush fire ready.