Part of the Bridle Trail
Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Council is commencing to restore and enhance of Duffys Forest Bridle Trail from early in the next financial year.

After consultation with Duffys Forest Residents Association and Terrey Hills Progress Association Council has endorsed a comprehensive action plan covering short, medium and long-term steps to improve the community bridle trail.

The 6.5-kilometre trail provides horse riders along with walkers, runners and bike riders a connection between Terrey Hills and Duffys Forest. Working through the action plan will ensure the existing trail corridor will offer a safe, environmentally friendly rider experience.

The action plan divides the Trail into 9 sections with each section reviewed for issues of safety, environment and the rider experience. The key considerations being surface condition, sight lines, conflict zones between vehicles and riders, stormwater and flooding, existing vegetation, delineation and branding of the trail.

The Local Small Commitment Allocation Program provided a $50,000 grant enabling Council to commence work on the first action, Weemala Road Reserve.

Thanks to all the community members in this import project.