Thursday, 16 May 2024

Do you own any Mid-Century Modern buildings or have spotted quintessential examples of Modern Movement Architecture on the Northern Beaches? Council wants to hear from you.

Council is conducting a study, supported by a grant from Heritage NSW, to consider the Modern Movement on the Northern Beaches and to identify important representative examples of these buildings in the community.

The study will contain two components: the preparation of a thematic history of the modern architecture movement in the Northern Beaches and the identification and assessment of important local examples of the movement from the 1940s through to the 1970s. 

The study will ensure that notable buildings from the Modernist era are considered and protected by heritage listing. 

Spurred on by technological, economic and social changes building designs rapidly changed during this period from what came before.

Notable architects of the day such as Harry Seidler, Peter Mueller, Bruce Rickard and Arthur Baldwinson, amongst others, were increasingly commissioned to design buildings that either embraced the increased availability of new building materials such as reinforced concrete, steel and large pane glass or were designed to sit within the local landscape and embrace natural materials, giving rise to the ‘Sydney Regional School of Architecture’ and ‘Organic Architecture’.

More information about this study and how to nominate a building for consideration, go to Council’s website here to have your say. Nominations are now open and will close on Sunday 9 June 2024.