Monday, 28 August 2023

The people have spoken.

Shona Wilson has won a People’s Choice Award for her work Seeding | Receding, along with two other artists in the Northern Beaches Environmental Art & Design Prize.

Shona, who is known for her work nationally, said seeds and seedpods (Seeding | Receding is a striking portrait of seeds inside seedpods) “carry within them both symbolic, real promise and hope for the restoration of the natural environment”.

After a month-long exhibition of artworks by 215 finalists from around Australia, the winners of the People’s Choice Awards were announced this evening.

Ember McCabe for her artwork Ripple Effect and Penelope Oates for Entangled also won People’s Choice awards.

The winners were selected by the public from the 215 works, which have been displayed across three exhibition sites on the Northern Beaches over the past month.

The winners, one for each of the three locations, each receive a $1,000 award.

Northern Beaches Council congratulates the winners and praises their creativity and passion for environmental issues.

The Prize showcases contemporary art practices that are socially engaged, environmentally aware and seek to enrich and contribute to positive change through creative practice.

See the full list of 2023 Prize winners.