Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Given any day of the week you’ll see the path along the foreshore connecting Bayview and Church Point a hive of activity with people exercising or kids being walked to school. 

This week the 200m footpath between Bayview Scout Hall and Bayview Baths opened after a 5-month construction. 

The previous footpath had been impacted by coastal erosion which had caused it to become uneven in places and difficult to traverse.

The widened path now comprises of stepped sandstone blocks, which will protect the bank and Pittwater Road from erosion as well as provide tidal habitat for fauna. 

People with prams or young ones on bikes will be able to comfortably share the path with people exercising or going for a stroll. 

And an added bonus is the spectacular view out to Pittwater. 

President of the Bayview Church Point Residents Association Peter Blanchard said he is very pleased that the project is completed.

"There is a twinkle in the eye of the Association to see this project come to fruition. This has been a collaboration between the Association, Council and the State Government. We're so pleased we lobbied the Council and the State Member to see this incredible project finished." Mr Blanchard said. 

This $1.35m project was made possible thanks to a $600,000 grant from the NSW State Government’s Metropolitan Greenspace Program.