Monday, 4 September 2023

The arrival of spring means footy boots and winter kits are being swapped for cricket bats and touch footballs as our parks team gear up for the summer sports season.

Council’s 143 sportsfields are being prepped and preened ready for players to hit the ground running and over the next two weeks our crews will:

  • Remove 110 goal posts and 30 netball posts
  • Line mark 90 cricket and practice pitches and 59 touch footy, baseball, softball and summer soccer fields
  • Erect 12 baseball back nets
  • Uncover 15 cricket pitches
  • Install one new cricket pitch
  • Put new drainage at Mike Pawley Oval
  • Undertake major renovation of Careel Bay Playing Field 2, Beverly Job Oval, Weldon Oval and Lionel Watts

The fields are also top dressed and fertilised and some returfed if needed, meaning they will be closed for short periods while the work is undertaken.

Stay up to date on the status of sportsfields on our website which is updated weekdays at 8am and 3pm and at 7am on weekends and public holidays.