Thursday, 20 July 2023

Council's Conservation Zone Review project and Local Environmental Plan (LEP)/Development Control Plan (DCP) program have encountered delays due to the necessary consultation process with the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE). 

Council expects to receive feedback and advice from the DPE, the authority with the final say about any proposed zoning changes, in the next month or two. We anticipate that this process will, in many cases, resolve concerns flagged in earlier submissions.

Once we receive advice, we will update mapping with relevant criteria and consider any changes alongside the community’s feedback from the consultation period.

The DPE's final views on the proposed environment and hazard criteria may lead to adjustments in the Conservation Zones Review methodology. 

In cases where disputes about rezoning persist, we will carry out an independent review with a site inspection, as per the resolution passed by Council on 22 August 2022.

Given the adjustments in time required, Council anticipates reporting an updated methodology for the Conservation Zones Review in late 2023 and presenting the draft LEP/DCP report to Council in 2024.

For the latest updates, visit Your Say.

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