Wednesday, 7 September 2022

We’re upgrading the Duffys Forest Rural Fire Brigade building.

The fire station, located on Anembo Road, was originally constructed in 1965 with only two minor alterations since then.

As membership has grown, the brigade has outgrown its home and now needs a larger, better building.

Council, in partnership with the Rural Fire Service, is demolishing the existing building and constructing a bigger single level fire station building that includes a multi-function room, kitchen, cleaning area, utility room, accessible bathroom facilities, media room and parking for up to four fire trucks.  There will also be parking spaces for an additional 10 vehicles outside the station.

These works will bring the facility up to current standards and improve the ability of the RFS to continue their vital service to our community.

Council would also like to acknowledge the significant fundraising efforts of the Duffys Forest Rural Fire Brigade who is contributing $250,000 to the new fire shed.

The NSW RFS is the world’s largest volunteer fire fighting service and the Northern Beaches has a proud history of volunteer firefighting.

The works are expected to be complete by March 2023.