Young people smiling
Wednesday, 26 April 2023

National Youth Week is here, and Council is excited to start rolling out a new roadmap to improve youth wellbeing, build social coheison and increase youth participation in commuity life.

The Youth Voice Action Plan 2028 – Shaping the Beaches’ Future address social, cultural and economic issues across a range of key areas These include matters like ‘connection’ and ‘equity’, to more pressing challenges like affordable housing and employment. 

Following an extensive consultation with more than 1,000 local young people contributing over 1,100 comments, young people told us they love growing up on the Northern Beaches and express a deep desire to continue living here as they transition to adulthood.

Young people told us that they are not all the same, and do not need the same thing, reaffirming that they value a community that reflects diversity and is inclusive of all. Young people want to access the same services and programs as others in the community and tell us that at the moment mental health and cost of living pressures significantly impact their ability to do this.

Council received 191 responses from the community before the series of actions in the plan were finalised. The plan maps out a series of positive actions for youth development and capacity building over the next 5 years, which includes plans for up-skilling young people and ensuring their voices are heard.

First on the agenda for Council is to establish the collaborative processes that will ensure young people are included in ongoing consultation as we work together to deliver the plan.

Another priority identified by young people for year one was to focus on delivery of actions that will support young people with the skill development opportunities that they need to navigate their transition to independence. One of the opportunities we are excited to put into action alongside young people and the community, is strengthening the availability and access to mentoring which will deliver learning to young people through increased intergenerational connection, as well as peer-to-peer mentoring. 

To read more about the Youth Voice Action Plan 2028 - Shaping the Beaches' Future visit