
Council staff with reusable containers 

Monday, 4 July 2022

Takeaway coffee and lunches in single-use plastics all add up - and they end up in landfill. We have over 1,800 staff at Council and knew we could do more to reduce waste in our own extraordinary backyard.

Council’s Dee Why and Manly offices are now using a shared reusable kit of bowls, canisters and cups so staff can now enjoy their takeaway coffee or lunch guilt-free with good quality reusables.

A stack of containers are placed in the offices’ kitchens so staff members simply pick up one of the reusables before they head out and once they’re finished, return it to the kitchen for someone to use next time (after it’s been washed up of course!).

If you think a shared reusable kit would be a great circular system in your workplace, we’re here to help you set one up! The program has already helped five local offices with their own stash of reusables:

A big shout out to 4 Pines, Edge Environment, Foralus Group, MGP Building and Infrastructure Services and Vine Apparel for embracing their new circular systems.

If you want your office to jump on board – we’re funding a limited number of reusable containers at office precincts so you too can enjoy your lunch guilt-free.

Keeping reusable containers in your office lunch room enables your staff to use a container at their local food outlet to enjoy a zero waste lunch. Your caterer could also use these containers at staff meetings to create a great impression on your clients.

It’s a small way we can all do our bit to protecting our bushland and beaches. Find out more and sign up to our Swap for Good program here.