Wednesday, 5 July 2023

A new plan to manage bush fire risk on the Northern Beaches is on public exhibition for comment until 17 July.

Everyone has a role to play in planning for bush fires – fire authorities, landowners, land managers, planning authorities, local councils and the community. Fire agencies, land managers and other stakeholders have been working to identify ways of reducing the impact of fires on our area – protecting lives, homes, businesses, cultural heritage and the environment.

The plan, prepared by the Rural Fire Service and local Bush Fire Management Committee, uses the latest fire behaviour modelling to map bush fire risk across the Northern Beaches and identifies strategies to reduce the impact of fires in most vulnerable areas over the next five years.

The plan highlights what agencies are proposing and outlines what the community can also do to prepare their families and properties.

The plan can be viewed on the RFS website or printed copies are available at our customer service centres at Avalon, Mona Vale, Dee Why and Manly.

The plan is on public exhibition for comment until Monday 17 July. Residents can complete a short survey on the plan or send their comments to the Rural Fire Service.