Friday, 28 February 2025

The NSW Government has released the detail on the planning reforms that will apply to people living within 800m of 171 town centres and train or light rail stations across metropolitan Sydney, the Central Coast, Illawarra-Shoalhaven and Hunter regions. Here’s what you need to know. 

It will apply to nine areas across the Northern Beaches

You can see a full map on the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure website 

On the Northern Beaches, the new controls will apply to all residential zoned land within 800 metres walking distance of:

  • Balgowlah Stockland Shopping Centre
  • Dee Why Town Centre
  • Forestville Town Centre
  • Forestway Shopping Centre
  • Frenchs Forest Precinct (Warringah Road)
  • Manly Town Centre
  • Manly Vale Town Centre
  • Mona Vale Town Centre
  • Warringah Mall Shopping Centre

Following Council staff submissions, four town centres that had originally been proposed to be included in the Stage 2 Reforms have been excluded: Warriewood, Narrabeen, Newport and Belrose. 

There are new heights and dwelling types permitted within the 800m zone

The changes depend on the zoning of a property that falls within the 800m (you can find out your zone by putting your address in the look up tool here).

Increase to building heights 

Residential flat buildings and shop-top apartments up to 6 storeys (22m) will be permissible in R3 Medium Density Residential zones within 400m of each nominated town centre.

For land zoned R3 that is between 400m–800m from each town centre, apartments up to 4 storeys (17.5m) will be permitted.

For land zoned R1 General Residential and R2 Low Density Residential within 800m of each town centre, residential flat buildings up to 9.5m (2-3 storeys) will be permitted on sites with a minimum lot size of 500sqm. 

Increase in multi-dwelling housing

Multi-dwelling housing (townhouses, terraces, and manor houses) up to 9.5m high (2–3 storeys) will be permitted in R1 General Residential and R2 Low Density Residential areas within 800m of each nominated town centre.

This will be a significant change for these areas in the former Pittwater and Waringah local government areas as these kind of dwellings are not permitted under current rules.

The new rules override Council's existing standards and Council will not be able to refuse applications that comply 

A key aspect of the new controls is the introduction of new ‘non-discretionary’ development standards which will be the same across the 171 centres where the reforms apply. 

These standards will address key aspects such as building heights, floor space ratios and lot sizes. 

These new non-discretionary controls will override Northern Beaches’ local planning controls and Council will not be able to refuse applications that comply with the new standards. 

For example, if Council receives an application for a 6 storey apartment within 400m of Mona Vale Town Centre, Council would normally refuse this as only 2 storeys is allowed under the Pittwater Local Environment Plan. Under these new reforms, Council would not be able to refuse the 6 storey application on the basis of its 6 storey building height.  

Council will still be the assessment authority

There has been no change to existing consent authority requirements. This means landowners seeking approval for development within the nine nominated town centres would continue to lodge a development application with Council.

There is no allowance for permanent affordable housing

The NSW Government’s changes do not require any contribution for long term or permanent affordable housing. 

And new developments within the nominated centres will not be subject to Council’s Affordable Housing Policy or its Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme. 

The NSW Government’s existing affordable housing bonus provisions will apply though, allowing additional building heights and floor space for developments that include dedicated affordable housing for at least 15 years. Developments providing at least 10% affordable housing can receive a 30% bonus in both height and floor space. These provisions apply on top of the new standards that are being introduced.

For example, a site within 400m of the Manly Vale town centre zoned R3 Medium Density Residential Zone could lodge a development application for up to 28.6m (9 storeys) if 10% affordable housing is proposed to be delivered (ie 6 storeys + 30% height bonus). 

There are exclusions within the new areas 

The Government’s policy will not apply to certain areas within each nominated town centre. These include:

  • employment zones and mixed-use zones 
  • high-risk land, including bushfire and land identified as coastal wetlands, littoral rainforest or a coastal vulnerability area
  • land that is a listed heritage item or on which a heritage item is located.

There is no current plan for additional infrastructure, transport, services or funding 

The NSW Government has persisted with the one-fits-size-fits-all approach to these reforms and we have not seen a plan for investment in the infrastructure and services upgrades required to manage the significant growth these reforms bring. Traffic, public transport and other community services will be impacted and the NSW Government needs to provide information about how this will be ameliorated. 

The changes are in effect now 

The changes started on 28 February 2025. 

There is a lot of detail available 

There is more information, maps and FAQs available on the NSW Planning website