Little Manly amenities
Thursday, 13 June 2024

New, accessible amenities are now open at Little Manly Reserve.

The amenities block includes an ambulant unisex toilet, accessible unisex toilet and a unisex toilet with baby change facilities.

Nestled into bushland at the western end of the carpark, the building has a beautiful colour scheme to complement the surrounding landscape. 

The works are part of the Little Manly Reserve Masterplan and follow the recent foreshore works and upgrade of the reserve’s playground.

The upgraded playground offers an inclusive play experience with a nature trail, upgraded equipment for different ages and abilities, new seating, access improvements, and new fencing around the rear boundary to improve safety.

Works in the area will continue as part of the masterplan implementation, with the demolition of 40 Stuart Street, Manly expected to commence late July. This will increase the park area at Little Manly Reserve for the community to enjoy.

You can find out more about the Little Manly Reserve Masterplan on Your Say