Thursday, 30 May 2024

Have you thought about elevating your community project with a Council grant or perhaps have a great idea to launch?

Each year Northern Beaches Council distributes thousands of dollars to the community in the form of grants. This funding helps enhance the economic, social, and environmental capacity within our community and builds local resilience. 

 Council’s community grant program opens in late June, and we will be running 2 workshops and an online webinar to support prospective applicants. These sessions will help you discover more about the different grant streams and provide general support to prepare a strong application to secure funding! 

In 2024/25 we’re giving successful applicants funding across the following grant streams:

  • Community Development 
  • Arts and Culture
  • Placemaking 
  • Environmental projects 
  • Sports and Recreation Infrastructure. 

Book your place at one of our workshops or webinars: 

Grants open between 27 June and close 5 August, 2024. 

Learn more about Council grants and access handy resources to guide you.