Wednesday, 27 September 2023
Six local tennis, archery, volleyball, pickleball and golf clubs will soon feature improved facilities after being announced as the shared recipients of $100,000 in grant funding.
The Sports and Recreation Infrastructure Grant Program is an annual offering by Council allowing local sporting groups to apply for funding if they operate on Council owned or managed land.
This year’s recipients and what their putting the money towards include:
- $30,000 to Manly Warringah Field Archers located at JJ Melbourne Hills Memorial Reserve in Terrey Hills to install an all-weather structure over a target range as well as a disabled parking bay and new paths.
- $20,000 to Northern Beaches Volleyball Association to install two dual-use seats with storage at North Steyne Reserve in Manly.
- $18,000 to Allambie Height Community Tennis Club to convert one synthetic court to a hard-court surface.
- $12,000 to Avalon Beach Pickleball Association to install six sandstone seating blocks and a path at the multi-use courts at Avalon Beach Reserve.
- $10,000 to Long Reef Golf Club to redesign and improve the bunkers at the 13th hole.
- $10,000 to Mona Vale Golf Club to redesign and rebuild an existing teaching and practise facility consisting of a chipping green and bunker.
Congratulation to these groups and if you missed out, try again next year. For more information about these grants visit our website.