Artist Gus Eagleton at work in Mona Vale

Artist Gus Eagleton at work in Mona Vale with his artwork Memories of Mona Vale 

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Council is implementing grant-funded public art murals in Mona Vale, Curl Curl, and Manly to kerb a spate of graffiti vandalism in these areas.

The art murals are part of Councils Graffiti Management Program – a research-backed approach to proactively combat the issue and creating a more vibrant and respected community environment.

The success of David Cragg's "Midnight Dream" mural in Bungan Lane, Mona Vale, serves as an example of how visually captivating street art can deter vandals and foster community pride. Despite being located on a heavily trafficked wall, the mural has remained graffiti-free since its installation in 2020.

Council plans to replicate these results with the other planned murals, including an additional two at Mona Vale, which is a known hotspot.

Why are we doing this? 

Over the past few years, Council discovered an increase in removing graffiti in public places leading us to seek innovative ways to prevent graffiti from occurring in the first place. 

Research shows that well-maintained public art murals can effectively deter graffiti vandalism. Vandals are less likely to deface an area already adorned with meaningful artwork. 

There are also several other benefits. The murals not only enhance an area aesthetically but also create a sense of pride and attachment among residents.

Working in partnership with the artists and local youth services, Council is providing opportunities for local young people to be involved in installing the murals.

This positively affects mental health, increases the sense of belonging to the local community, and provides mentoring and skills development opportunities for local young people. 

What is the cost?

Council is one of 23 Councils across New South Wales to have received grant funding from the NSW Government to revitalise underused public spaces and prevent graffiti vandalism. 

We’ve received $71,500 to implement four murals as part of our broader Graffiti Management Program, so the projects have no impact on Council's budget.

About the artists and their works

Council invited the artistic community through an Expression of Interest to participate in the program, with 37 artists from across Australia applying. Four artists were selected by an evaluation panel.

These artists are currently engaging with key stakeholders, including businesses and local services, and creating site-specific designs. Each artist understands that art is subjective and intend to prepare visually appealing and meaningful murals for the local community.

The artists working at the following sites are:

North Curl Curl Community Centre

Evelyn Bracewell

Mona Vale Memorial Hall

Gus Eagleton

Mona Vale Village Green


Manly Rialto Lane Carpark

Sindy Sinn

Learn more about the artist and their works here.