Thursday, 6 October 2022

While the Bureau of Meteorology has issued Flood Watch warnings for inland river systems, there is a risk of high levels of rainfall also across the Sydney basin in the coming days.

If you live in a flood-affected area, now is a good time to check your emergency plans. Being prepared can save lives.

The local SES has sand available from the front of NSW SES Manly Unit so you can access them even if the base is closed. Location: 1c Quirk Rd Balgowlah.

There is also sand in the car park of Denzil Joyce Oval, Abbott Rd, North Curl Curl.

At Council we are closely monitoring conditions and have crews ready to respond and support SES if required across the weekend.

We have also completed inspections of critical assets across the area including storm water infrastructure. All lagoon entrances are open or we have crews ready to open them as the need arises.

Visit our Emergency Preparedness page to learn more about the risks facing your property and what to do if an emergency occurs.

A reminder to never drive through floodwaters, stay well away from stormwater drains, and regularly check the SES for alerts.

Stay safe and dry!

Helpful contacts 

Storm assistance:

Call 132 500

Call 000

Weather updates:

Bureau of Meteorology

Preparing for storms:

Council's Emergency Preparedness pages