Wednesday, 15 May 2024

The tireless dedication and commitment to protecting the environment around the Warriewood Wetlands by the late former Mayor of Pittwater has resulted in the naming of a green space in her honour, now known as Lynne Czinner Park.

The 4-hectare site now doubles the previously available outdoor space for the local community as it connects to the existing park commonly known as ‘Rocket Ship Park’ via a bridge across Fern Creek.  

The green space includes a shared path, picnic areas with BBQ facilities, shade and water bottle refill stations, a fitness area, a network of pedestrian paths, and additional parking in Dove Lane.

Fortuitously, Lynne lived right near the park for 50 years, raising her three children Antonella, Nick and Trent. She passed away in 2020 at the age of 81.

Her love of nature saw her study a Horticulture course at TAFE and by the time she finished she knew all the botanical names of local flora.

She gained a taste for advocacy as President of the Warriewood Residents Association before successfully being elected as Councillor to the first Pittwater Council in 1992, serving consecutive terms until 2008. Within that period, Lynne spent four consecutive terms as Deputy Mayor from 1998 to 2002, and in 2004 Lynne was elected as Mayor.

One of Lynne’s three children, Trent Czinner described his mum as being incredibly generous and doing anything for others.  

“We are so proud and thankful to the Council for choosing to honour mum in this way.  Mum loved plants and nature and advocated for shared outdoor spaces, and she would have loved this park. We grew up in this area and it holds a special place in our hearts.

“Mum became a Councillor only to make a difference, but I know she would be chuffed to be recognised for her years of tireless work on the Council. In fact, I think she would cry with joy and be lost for words with the naming.

“On behalf of mum, her children and grandchildren, I want to say how humbled and honoured we are that this absolutely wonderful park carries her name and I hope it will be a place that creates special moments and memories for all of the lucky people who live here or come to visit.”

The park was officially opened this week by Mayor Sue Heins, two of Lynne’s three children - Antonella and Trent and their families, and councillors.