children planting natives

Children from Wheeler Heights Public school planting natives

Thursday, 27 July 2023

Schools Tree Day is back in full swing this year on Friday 28 July, with over 25 local schools participating across the Northern Beaches.

Native plants will be delivered to each of the schools by our Environment Centres team, with plants caringly propagated and sourced from our volunteer community nurseries.

The focus of the initiative is to inspire students to learn about their local environment while fostering their love of nature.

Students will participate in a range of activities including building habitat for native wildlife and nature education sessions.

Lee Hewes, a teacher at Wheeler Heights Public School said:

“One of the greatest privileges I have in my role as an educator is the opportunity to work outside with my students.

“I have seen first-hand the benefits to wellbeing, as students interact with nature in an inquisitive way, with like-minded peers and educators.

“Having a garden area at school provides a safe space for students to take some quiet time away from the pressures of the classroom or playground and, when planted with natives, has the potential to encourage native pollinators into the area and increase the biodiversity of the school environment.”

Find out more on how you can be part of 2023 National Tree Day and join our Northern Beaches Environmental Volunteers.