Northern Beaches Council today reaffirmed its commitment to sustainable, well -planned affordable housing, including targets in new development areas, in response to ill-informed comments from the Urban Taskforce.
Mayor Michael Regan said Council was forced to call for a moratorium on the existing State Government SEPP which increases density in areas which can least support it and then only guaranteed as affordable housing for ten years.
“The Northern Beaches is up there with the highest real estate property values in the state. We know affordable housing has to be a priority for us or we won’t keep key workers and young people in the area,” Mayor Regan said.
“That’s why planning for growth in key precincts such as Frenchs Forest and Ingleside has already made provision for affordable housing outcomes in perpetuity that will far exceed the current SEPP.
“This will provide housing, in a properly planned way, for key workers such as nurses and other support staff at the new Northern Beaches Hospital.
“The current state policy seeks to deliver additional development yield in suburban areas that only has to be maintained for ten years at affordable rental levels, hardly a sustainable outcome.
“It’s unfortunate the Urban Taskforce has failed to do their research and recognise the planning the Council has already done - although we’ve come to expect it from this property developer lobbyist.
“Our community has said loud and clear, over and over again, enough is enough. We want good planning and the infrastructure with it - Urban Taskforce just want less red tape and greater profits.
“Applying blanket policies to areas of significance such as the planned precinct at Frenchs Forest will only result in poor outcomes which don’t realise the master planned vision for the area. Council has no choice but to call for a moratorium to ensure we can plan properly.
“It the Urban Taskforce focussed on outcomes for communities rather than profit driven development they would see the logic in Council’s approach.”
Mayor Regan said Northern Beaches Council was a leader in the affordable housing space.
“Northern Beaches was included in SEPP 70 - a mechanism that allows select councils to prepare an affordable housing contribution scheme for certain precincts, areas or developments within their local government area.
“We are one of a few Councils included in the SEPP, showing a demonstrated commitment to affordable housing in any area proposed to be rezoned in the future.
“We are also currently assessing Expressions of Interest for an affordable housing provider to manage our housing stock that will be generated through SEPP 70. We are leaders in this space.
“We look forward to a positive response from the State Government on our call for a moratorium and I invite the Urban Taskforce to talk to us about our strategies before making ill-informed claims.”