Northern Beaches Artist Studios is proud to showcase the works of four local artists in the exhibition She flies with her own wings on display at the Creative Space (105 Abbott Road, North Curl Curl) from 5 - 16 December 2018.

The artists who have been working independently in the Studios will come together for an exhibition which explores themes of spirituality, balance, emergence and identity through a wide range of artistic media.

Northern Beaches Mayor Michael Regan said the Creative Space is a vibrant artistic hub on the peninsula where artists can display their work and connect with the community.

“This much-loved annual event has been evolving since the Creative Space opened in 2014.

“Four artists have been working on these beautiful works all year round and I encourage both art lovers and residents to come and check out their show.

“The exhibition of artworks is a celebration of some of our very talented local creative community on exhibition and should not be missed,” said Mayor Regan.

Descriptions of the artists and their works in this year’s exhibition are:

Alyson Bell:    Drawing on all the possibilities of light, shadow, video, projection, animation, sound and other media, Alyson’s sometimes quirky installations provoke thought beneath the surface

Maybron McNamara:    Maybron has previously worked as an art teacher and as a graphic designer. Her work challenges the perceptions of what we perceive visual reality to be; inviting us to go beyond what we see in the physical world.

Angela Griffiths:    Angela’s practice explores the dichotomy between strengths and weakness, the feeling of vulnerability versus inner strength and determination. Her work strives to find a balance in-between which may trigger an emotional response with the viewer. Angela is currently working with bronze, building small-scale figurative work.

Stephanie Elise:    Deeply connected to the ocean and nature, Stephanie draws endless inspiration from the natural beauty in the world, the sun and the sea. Her passion is creating large-scale artworks with intricate details, using combinations of her favourite mediums, oil paint, acrylic and resin.

Creative Space was conceived for emerging and established artists to access affordable studio space, and for curators, groups and individuals to showcase their work in the exhibition space.

For more information about the individual artists and the Northern Beaches Artist Studios visit The exhibition is open daily from 10am – 4pm.