Northern Beaches Council is seeking community feedback on the aesthetic elements of the design of a proposed pedestrian and cycle path along Pittwater Road over the Narrabeen Lagoon.

The proposed multi-use path will be two and a half metres wide and will be located to the west of the existing road bridge.

Mayor Regan said the existing pedestrian and cycle path requires much needed attention, as it is narrow and difficult to access as a shared path.

“The section of path across the Pittwater Road Bridge has been identified as a bottleneck and safety hazard for cyclist and pedestrians.

“Council is pleased, with the support of Transport for NSW’s B-Line project, to be addressing this pinch point as part of our Connecting Communities program linking Northern Beaches cycleways and shared paths.

“The Pittwater Road path over Narrabeen Lagoon is a key section, popular with kids and families along the Narrabeen Lagoon Trail and a significant north-south link for pedestrians and cyclists.” Mayor Regan said.

Council is seeking feedback on the aesthetic elements of the design and will hold the first information drop-in session at Berry Reserve, Narrabeen (near the Pittwater Road Bridge) on Thursday August 2.

As the proposal continues to develop, detailed environmental assessments will need to be undertaken.

This will include assessment of impacts to flora and fauna (both marine and terrestrial), waterway impact assessments, and species impact statements.

The new pedestrian and cycle path is likely to be open for use in 2020.

There are no plans to upgrade the existing road bridge as part of this project.

For more information and to have your say visit