In a year highlighted by bushfires, storms and a global pandemic, Northern Beaches Council has published its Annual Report 2019/20.
The Annual Report highlights key initiatives undertaken throughout the 2019-2020 financial year as well as Council’s audited financial reports.
Overall, Council performed better than or as well as NSW councils of comparable size and profile in key performance indicators, demonstrating Council’s continued commitment to service delivery and its community.
Mayor Michael Regan said even with the turmoil events of the year, he was pleased that Council delivered on key projects and had managed its resources responsibly on behalf of ratepayers.
“I’m incredibly proud of what Council and the organisation have achieved in a tough year. I’m very fortunate to lead a team full of hardworking and passionate people who take pride in their work and care deeply about the communities they serve,” Cr Regan said.
“This was clearly not a ‘business as usual’ year, but I congratulate Council staff for focussing on our core business in delivering value-for-money, innovative and efficient services to our customers.
“We recorded a solid financial result, recording $29.5 million in efficiency savings, which is being reinvested in priority community projects and improved service levels.
“Importantly, having a strong operational and financial base has allowed us to give a helping hand to small businesses – the economic engine-room of our local community – and residents that have been hit hard by the dire events of the last year.”
In 2019/20, Council invested over $97 million in capital works which included completing 79 priority projects. These include:
- The Glen Street Open Space Masterplan was finalised with a new skate park, showground upgrades and synthetic turf sportsground now available;
- Completion of an aquatic boardwalk on Narrabeen Lagoon Trail alongside Wakehurst Parkway;
- Accessible playgrounds were opened at Manly Dam and Allambie Heights Oval as well as five other locations;
- Modernisation of Manly Youth Centre and Bilarong Scout Hall for users;
- Additional spend of $2.5 million on new footpaths;
- Reduction of $2.94 million in the domestic waste charge.
“We will continue to work hard to deliver core services and projects to support our community as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic and we will remain a responsive, well-connected and dynamic organisation,” Cr Regan said.
The Annual Report 2019/20 is accessible on Council’s website here.