Northern Beaches Council is seeking community feedback on its urban planning blueprint, which aims to protect and enhance all our community values while managing growth in a sustainable way over the next 20 years and beyond.
Towards 2040, Council’s draft Local Strategic Planning Statement, is a response to the NSW Government requirement of all NSW Councils to plan for future growth, using the government’s population projections and targets for our area over the next 20 years.
It identifies clear priorities for sustainably managing the natural environment, infrastructure, housing, transport and employment.
Mayor Michael Regan said the Government projects around an extra 40,000 people will call the Northern Beaches home by 2040.
“Sydney is growing and the NSW Government expect all areas to take a share,” Mayor Regan said.
“Since we are largely constrained by our geography and natural hazards, such as flood and bushfire prone areas, and have a lack of infrastructure such as roads and public transport, the expectations on us are less than in other parts of the city.
“Still, in order to protect and enhance all that we so value about living here, we need careful and detailed planning and community input to ensure we have the right mix of housing, local jobs, infrastructure and services.
“And the good news is that will be able to largely meet the growth projections through our current plans for area such as Frenchs Forest, Dee Why and Brookvale.
“That said, the State Government must ensure any growth forced on us is matched by the relevant necessary infrastructure. We can’t be playing catch up as has been the case in the past. It’s great news that the East West rapid bus system has been announced but we now need to see it delivered.”
Mayor Regan said extensive consultation and a number of technical studies informed the development of Towards 2040 but this was the start of a longer process with the community.
“In preparing this document, we went out to the community and asked ‘what do we want the Northern Beaches to be like in the future?’ Our community told us, among other things, that they want us to protect the environment and be a leader in sustainability, embrace technology and innovation and that growth can’t outstrip infrastructure,” he said.
“Toward 2040 has taken all this into account and a commitment to making Northern Beaches an even better place to live in the future. We want our kids to have a future here, and many of us want to retire here. This is that document that will help us facilitate that to happen.
“This is critically important and I strongly encourage all in our community to get involved as it will guide what Council does now and over the next 20 years. We need your help to make sure we are on the right track in our planning.”
Towards 2040 provides a local response to the NSW Government’s planning priorities as well as aligns with higher level plans including the Greater Sydney Commission’s Greater Sydney Region Plan and the North District Plan.
Once adopted, it will inform Council’s new Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) and a broader framework of Council policies and strategies.
It will go on public display from 27 September to 10 November. Copies of Towards 2040 will be available at Council’s customer service centres and ‘Have Your Say’ website where summary documents and short video overviews will also be available. Council will also hold a number of community information sessions and meetings with registered community groups.
Media Enquiries: 9942 2678