Over $600,000 has been endorsed for a range of works to improve surf lifesaving clubs across the Northern Beaches as part of Council’s $1.5million club renewal program.

Bilgola, North Narrabeen, Warriewood, Dee Why, Freshwater and Queenscliff surf lifesaving clubs will share in this round of funding.

Mayor Michael Regan said the funding recognises the importance of surf lifesaving on the Northern Beaches.

“Our surf lifesaving clubs have been a vital part of our sporting DNA for many decades.

“Be it elite athletes or little nippers, the ‘have a go’ ethos and active lifestyle encompasses everything which is great about the Northern Beaches.

“Surf lifesaving club members provide a vital community service – aside from giving up their time, they also patrol our beaches to keep swimmers and beach goers safe.

“Ultimately, these (building) upgrades are important so our surf lifesaving clubs can meet the standards and expectations of the community,’’ the Mayor said.

Some of the highlights of the proposed upgrades include:

Bilgola SLSC – new pathway lighting in front of the club leading to the ocean pool

North Narrabeen SLSC – improvements to storm water drainage

Warriewood SLSC - signage to improve traffic flow and safety at the front of the club building

Dee Why SLSC – replacement of three roller doors

Freshwater SLSC – path and stairs to the south of club building

Queenscliff SLSC - paving upgrade along its ocean side frontage