Northern Beaches Council together with Wesley LifeForce will hold an online webinar for the local community interested in forming a suicide prevention network in the region.
The webinar to discuss the proposal will be held on Wednesday 8 July from 7 - 8:15pm.
The online meeting will explain how local suicide prevention networks work, how they are supported by Wesley LifeForce and will feature guest speakers from the local community as well as from the Eastern Sydney Suicide Prevention Network.
Mayor Michael Regan said community networks play a key role in helping support communities to build capacity, connection, and the best support for residents in addressing local suicide issues.
“It’s up to all of us to raise awareness and take action for suicide prevention,” Mayor Regan said.
“Council has taken a lead role in establishing the Northern Beaches Suicide Response together with NSW Police, health authorities, local service groups and the community to ensure a coordinated and collaborative response to address this issue on the Northern Beaches.”
The proposal for a local suicide prevention network came out of work done over the past few years by the Northern Beaches Suicide Response Steering Group, documented in its first progress report.
It noted that the number of suicides on the Northern Beaches fell by one-third from 2018 to 2019.
Community-led suicide prevention networks are seen as an effective way to further reduce stigma and increase help-seeking in the community, especially given the impacts of COVID-19 on mental health and connection.
Council recently received $340,000 from NSW Health to train more than 1,000 ‘community gatekeepers’ including first responders such as youth, middle aged men, seniors, and those who live close to high-risk locations.
“The formation of a local suicide prevention network is a wonderful next step in this journey as we work together to help our community and promote wellbeing and connection,” Mayor Regan said.
Wesley LifeForce has established over 100 suicide prevention networks across the country and became involved in advising on a possible network for the Northern Beaches given their experience in this field.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Council on
If you or anyone you know needs support please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.
Media Enquiries: 9942 2678