Local history buffs and residents interested in preserving our community’s heritage have a unique opportunity to help Council with the development of a Thematic History for the Northern Beaches.
As the name suggests, a Thematic History is centred on ‘themes’ - such as industry, housing, immigration, Aboriginality, local lifestyle, culture and other major influences that have shaped the community - and will provide a framework for the future identification, assessment and management of heritage places.
Northern Beaches Mayor Michael Regan said the project will identify the important heritage themes that have contributed to the way the area has grown and changed over the years.
“We see the Thematic History project as a great opportunity to build community cohesion through local history and heritage,” Mayor Regan said.
To help with this project, Council is calling on the community to tell their stories of growing up on the Northern Beaches. Hopefully as part of this process, some of those less well known, hidden stories can be discovered, about this unique part of Sydney.
“The community of the Northern Beaches hold a wealth of invaluable historical information, which Council would like to tap into.
“If you have any stories about the history of the development of the Northern Beaches community, please go online and tell us.
“It’s a tremendous opportunity for people to make their stories known, and in doing so, making sure that our Thematic History is as comprehensive as possible,” said Mayor Regan.
To make this project possible Council is working with a consultant to compile this consolidated history of the area.
We have also created an online platform where you can share any story about the history and development of the Northern Beaches.
Any stories provided will be added to Council’s Local Studies Collection, to be recorded for future reference.
It will also provide a comprehensive history for the newly formed local government area and will provide a solid base for future heritage management decisions.
Learn more and have your say at northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au. Submissions are open until 16 December 2018.