The great sacrifice military personnel made for Australia and New Zealand on the front lines of war shall never been forgotten.
To take part and pay your respects to the ANZACs, members of Northern Beaches community are invited to participate in a range of events and ceremonies on 25 April 2023.
Council’s ANZAC Day commemorations in 2023 will be held at three locations including Manly Warringah War Memorial Park (Manly Dam) and Manly War Memorial (the Corso).
ANZAC Day ceremonies are designed to be deeply inspiring, timely reminders of the horrors of war, as well as a time to celebrate the unshakeable bonds of friendship connecting Australia and New Zealand.
In the Manly-Warringah area alone, one in every six men who enlisted for service abroad during the Great War did not come home, and the conflict has left a tragic impact on the heritage and memories of both of our nations.
77,000 Australians and New Zealanders perished in World War 1 on foreign soil, often fighting side-by-side. Dignitaries from local Council and public office will be on site to share in the ANZAC spirit from just before dawn on 25 April.
Program of Events
Services of Remembrance will be conducted at:
Manly War Memorial, The Corso, Manly
- Dawn Service at 4.25am (arrive by 4am)
- Commemorative Service at 11am (arrive by 10.40am)
A traditional piper, bugler, catafalque party and the Manly District Band will perform at the Manly War Memorial 11am Service. Speakers [NB3] include Deputy Mayor Sue Heins and Veteran Craig Delaney, NSW Veterans Employment Program. The service will also include a march, led by HMAS Penguin, from the intersection of Darley Road and Wentworth Street to the Manly War Memorial.
In the event of extreme wet weather, the 11.00am service will be held at St Matthews Church, The Corso, Manly.
Manly Dam, King Street, Manly Vale
- Dawn Service at 5.30am (arrive by 5.15am), hosted by Manly Warringah War Memorial Park Remembrance Trust and Northern Beaches Council.
A traditional piper, bugler, 2/17 Battalion Australian Army catafalque party and the Warringah Concert Brass band, led by David Cosentino will perform at the Manly Dam Dawn Service.
A cordial invitation is extended to all citizens of the Northern Beaches to be present at the above services. Issued medals will be worn.
For more information on both Council and other locally run ANZAC Day services visit our website