Second hand clothes shopping
Monday, 15 July 2024

As cost-of-living pressures continue to bite, we’re all looking for ways to reduce costs without compromising lifestyle; think home-cooking, eating in and switching to cheaper providers for energy and tech.

But one of the most effective – and enjoyable - ways to save money in tough times, is to swap out buying new clothes for discovering pre-loved bargains.

Collections of second-hand clothing, originated as a charitable concept to support low-income earners in the Great Depression.  These days it’s an opportunity to look for unique pieces without costing you a fortune.   And with second hand retailers reporting an unprecedented increase in demand this year, clearly, it’s a mainstream trend on the rise.  

The benefits of pre-loved fashion

  • Value: Pre-loved shopping is an opportunity to get your hands on higher-end and designer brands at a price we can all afford.
  • Quality: Older and vintage clothing is often better quality than today’s disposable fast fashion fabrics and copycat designs.   
  • Sustainability: Over 200,000 tonnes of textile waste heads to landfill in Australia each year.  Adopting a circular economy reuse mindset to clothes purchases, helps reduce the impact on the planet. 
  • Unique: Big brand stores push the latest looks and trends. Op shopping gives us a more eclectic and unique wardrobe unlike anyone else.   
  • Fun: Who doesn’t love the hunt to unearth that ‘perfect’ item in your ideal size and shape? Just listen out for the cacophony of delighted noises in your local op shop on a Saturday.   
  • Do-gooding: Op shopping helps for-purpose organisations fund millions of dollars’ worth of programs and services each year for residents in our community who need their support.

Where to shop for thrifted fashion

  • Second-Hand Markets: Make the most of your weekend and grab a bargain or find something unique. Find out about our upcoming events.   
  • Op shops: National chains like Vinnies, Lifeline, Salvos, Anglicare, Save the Children and the Australian Red Cross as well as smaller independent ones.
  • Vintage stores: Curated collections of designer looks and accessories with a more up market feel and price tag. These stores often target a particular vintage – e.g. 70s 
  • Clothes swaps: Events often hosted by for-profit organisations or groups of friends where attendees exchange pre-loved items. Search online to find an event near you or do your own!
  • Jumble Sales:  Search online for your local jumble sales.

So next time you’re looking for a new look, buy second hand or clear out your wardrobe and swap your pre-loved clothes for something new, but old.