Preparing to open Narrabeen Lagoon earlier today.
Opening the lagoon on Friday last week successfully lowered water levels by 300mm, providing an additional buffer for future rainfall events.
Council has since closed the entrance so that water levels remain workable for bridge abutment and sand extraction works to continue.
Our staff will continue to monitor the rainfall and lagoon levels and act as required.
To understand how Council manages our lagoons, please watch the video explainer.
Friday 8 October, 2021
With rainfall forecast for the coming days we are preparing to open Narrabeen Lagoon with this afternoon's tide.
Council's works at Narrabeen Lagoon which involve dredging and removing sand and moving it onto Narrabeen Beach, are progressing well.
We are using an additional contractor to manage the opening to avoid diverting works away from lagoon clearance and bridge works.
Once the lagoon hits the optimum workable level for the works, we will close it again to resume the dredging project and keep it on schedule.
To understand how Council manages our lagoons, please watch the video explainer.