Monday, 3 February 2025

Site Background 

On February 25, 2020, Council agreed in principle to the proposal by Warringah Golf Club (the Club) to build a new clubhouse on the current Warringah Recreation Centre (WRC) site. We are pleased to confirm that the Club has recently received approval for Development Application (DA 2022/2081) to construct the clubhouse at the northern end of the WRC, located on Kentwell Road, North Manly. Following a public notification process earlier this year, Council granted a 3-year construction lease for the project. For more information, please visit Your Say page .

Alongside this development, Council will be constructing new recreational tennis and squash facilities, as well as providing additional parking on the remaining area of Lot 3 (the current Warringah Recreation site). Council has secured over $3 million in State Government funding to support the rebuild of the WRC.

With the Club’s DA approval in place and the lease area now confirmed, Council intention to enter into a 20-year lease with the Club, resulted in a public consultation process from 2nd October 2024 to 31 October 2024.

What's happening now?

Submissions closed 31 October 2024.

23 submissions were received from the community of a positive sentiment. You can read further details in the Summary Report Public Notice

Council will now proceed to grant the lease to the Warringah Golf Club. 

What was proposed?

Northern Beaches Council propose to grant a lease to the Warringah Golf Club Limited located over the land known as Lot 1 and 3 DP 829465 (also referred to as Part Lot 2742 DP 752038), for the purpose of operating a golf clubhouse and associated services, for a term of 20 years. The lease is intended to commence upon the completion of the clubhouse construction. 

Council is the owner of the land and is required to give public notice of its proposal to lease this land in accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993.

Submissions closed on 31 October 2024. 

lease area plan