Proposed viewing deck on Curl Curl lagoon to be named after Ray Cox
Friday, 7 July 2023

Council is seeking public feedback on the naming of a viewing deck on Curl Curl Lagoon at John Fisher Park the Ray Cox Viewing Deck. 

The late Ray Cox was a passionate advocate and visionary for environmental, community and social justice issues and made significant contributions to the Northern Beaches community during his life.

He is also remembered for championing local causes and issues, inspiring and mentoring others to get involved in these important community matters.

A long-standing committee officer and founding life member of the Curl Curl Lagoon Friends, Mr Cox was instrumental in the ongoing rehabilitation of Curl Curl lagoon and nearby bushland at Alan Newton Reserve, Stirgess Reserve and Greendale Creek.

Mr. Cox was also a member of the Save Manly Dam Catchment Committee and advocated for the heritage listing and ongoing conservation of Manly Dam as a place of tranquillity and as a war memorial.

His legacy is reflected in the many people that he inspired who continue to care for these much-loved local assets and protect them for future generations to enjoy.

Have your say on the proposed naming of the viewing deck.

The viewing deck naming proposal is consistent with Council’s Naming our Reserves, Facilities and Roads policy.