Tuesday, 12 July 2022

We’re putting a call out to organisers of locally run events with cash grants up for grabs to eligible providers.

Council's Event Grants and Sponsorship Program supports businesses and community groups events on the Northern Beaches with grants between $500 to $10,000 for events being held in the new financial year.

The Grants Program seeks to support the delivery of new and innovative events as well as ensure existing events continue to expand and prosper on the Northern Beaches.

Applicants must detail how the main aims of the grants will be fulfilled including showcasing local talent, generating new experiences, promoting the Northern Beaches as a go-to destination, and how their event will build an awareness of community.

These events are in addition to Council's full program of events staged annually across the beaches.

Last year’s recipient of a $5,000 grant was The Link Church which ran the Carols by the Lake in Lakeside Park, North Narrabeen on 18 December 2021.

The popular community event saw over 5000 people attend and be delighted with local artists and musicians, food vendors, and fireworks.

Senior Pastor and Director of Link Church Glenn Wysman said the event provided a great opportunity for the community to connect during what was a very difficult year due to the pandemic.

“We received so much positive feedback. Last year’s event was extra special after being on hold the previous two years due to the pandemic. Locals look forward to the event as it marks the start of the Christmas season.

“The grant from Council enabled us to facilitate the Carols by the Lake event in a COVID safe way and allowed for all additional logistic requirements to be covered." 

For more information about this great opportunity and an application visit our website.