It’s served the community since the 1870s and works will take place next month to give a bit of TLC to some of the monuments on the grounds which are unstable and pose a safety risk to the community.
With over 6,000 graves on site of which 3,000 are adorned with monuments, as part of Council’s monument safety program, up to 60 affected graves will be repositioned and/or stabilised.
With the cemetery nestled between a school and playground, Council’s utmost priority is to reduce the risk to visitors, especially children who often use the area as a thoroughfare.
The works include re-attaching or repositioning headstones that are unstable or have fallen into the aisle ways ensuring they now meet current Australian Safety Standards for cemetery monuments.
Council has previously attempted to contact the families of the selected graves, but as they are so old, some dating back to the 1920s, the listed next of kin details are no longer up-to-date.
The monument safety program has been underway for the last four years with more than 120 safety repairs already completed.
Work on the monuments will commence in mid-October over three days, weather depending.
The cemetery is also encouraging families to get in touch to ensure they have the latest next of kin details on file in the instance staff need to touch base with them about the program or other issues affecting the cemetery.