Wednesday, 5 July 2023

The Northern Beaches is set to get a second community battery – this time at Warriewood.  

Community batteries offer the local community a stronger network which means we can connect more rooftop solar and electric vehicle chargers, while helping to lower network costs.

Warriewood was recently selected by the Federal Government as one of the locations eligible for funding for a community battery. Ausgrid were successful in this round of funding and the new community battery will be in Honeyeater Reserve on the corner of Honeyeater Grove and Blue Wren Way in Warriewood.

As part of the battery project, Ausgrid will also provide a grant for a solar installation on a local community facility as well as minor park improvements at Honeyeater Reserve. The battery will feature First Nations artwork which will reflect and represent the local heritage and community.

Recently, Ausgrid requested community feedback on the site which had been identified as a good location to support the grid and wider solar uptake in Warriewood.

Council supported Ausgrid on this project by assisting with identifying site constraints, and through involvement in community engagement and communications.

Read about the project on Ausgrid’s website.