Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Volunteering with Northern Beaches Council just got a whole lot easier thanks to a new platform that will help volunteers to find opportunities, give back to their community, and meet new friends and learn skills along the way.

The online platform Be Collective makes it easier than ever for anyone to sign up and become a volunteer, giving volunteers the ability to create a profile and track the skills they gain as well as their community impact in a verified ‘Social CV’. 

With over 800 volunteers supporting 13 different Council services from delivering library books, to looking after our marine life, to hosting community Meals on Wheels lunches, there’s so many opportunities to volunteer and give back to your community. 

So whether you have a few hours to spare or are looking for a more long-term commitment, we have a wide range of roles to suit your interests and availability. 

Check out what roles are available:

Hear from our volunteers on why they love giving back to their community:

Gai, a Meals on Wheels volunteer said:

“The best part of my volunteering day is interacting with our clients - seeing the people and talking with them. It’s nice to feel like you can assist them staying in their own home.”

Stony Range Botanic Garden volunteer Eleanor told us: 

“Creating spaces for the kids and then seeing them enjoying the garden.  We have a fairy garden where you can write letters to the fairies and we collect the letters from the kids and sometimes the parents keep them in a book for everyone to see. They are just beautiful.”

Myles, a volunteer at the Aboriginal Heritage Office said:

“Volunteering for the Aboriginal Heritage Office is so valuable. You are helping to preserve history which would have otherwise been lost or destroyed and helping to keep it in its original state for future generations.”

Sign up to the new platform and see volunteer opportunities near you on the Be Collective platform