Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Today marks a step closer to the construction of a new $17 million purpose-built community centre for Warriewood.

The Mayor, councillors and representatives of Warriewood Residents’ Association and several long-term hirers were present to turn the first soil at the site.

The project site will include the building of a future-ready centre with five multi-purpose halls, two multi-purpose meeting rooms, a large ‘community living room’ entry foyer (complete with seating, kitchenette facilities and covered outdoor spaces which overlook landscaped native gardens, accessible amenities, multiple kitchenette facilities and increased parking.

The design of the building has been based on passive solar design principles and includes the use of sustainably sourced cross laminated timber as the main structural element.

Solar panels will provide power for daytime use while there is capacity for storage of 24,000 litres of rainwater for irrigation and LED lighting throughout.

The new site will support community users such as Peninsula Bridge Club, Narrabeen Senior Citizens Club and Northern Beaches Creative Leisure and Learning who have been long term hirers as well as being a family-friendly facility for the growing community of Warriewood.  

The Community Centre can also be used as a Evacuation and Recovery Centre for times of natural disaster, complete with a filtered ventilation system to cope with bushfire and pollen storm events. The centre has been designed to be fully accessible for persons with a mobility impairment, senior users and families with strollers.

The building is expected to be completed in late 2025, weather permitting.

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