Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Did you know we have the only remaining Little Penguin breeding colony on the NSW mainland in our own backyard? But this endangered colony in Manly is facing a range of threats, including more frequent boat strikes in the harbour.

Our Little Penguins are especially vulnerable to boat collisions at dusk when they gather offshore in groups known as rafts before returning to their chicks and mates waiting on land. Sadly, boat strike is a major cause of Manly’s Little Penguins being injured or killed.

Other threats to Manly’s penguin colony include fishing lines and hooks, rubbish, habitat disturbance, and predators such as foxes, dogs and cats.

We’re holding a little penguin chalk art event at the Manly Wharf forecourt on Friday 1 December as part of our 30th Ocean Festival. Learn how you can help Manly's Little Penguins as you watch an artist create a beautiful penguin-themed 3D chalk artwork.

Little Penguins are the smallest penguins in the world. They come ashore around Manly Point and North Head every May to breed and raise their young and inhabit these areas until the following March.

At the peak of the last breeding season, there were around 30 pairs of Little Penguins in Manly. If you’re lucky, you might catch a glimpse of our local penguins foraging in the harbour or rafting just offshore. They can be hard to spot as they prefer to come ashore at night, with nesting sites located on private property or in the North Head National Park.

If you see a penguin in Manly or anywhere else on the Northern Beaches, scan the QR code on one of our new penguin signs at Manly Wharf, East Esplanade or West Esplanade, head to our penguins page to complete our penguin sightings form, or email species.sightings@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au

Telling us the date, time and location of your sightings will help us build a map of Little Penguin activity so we can monitor and protect our penguin population.

Here are some things you can do to help ensure the survival of Manly’s Little Penguin colony:

  • stick to the 4-knot speed limit and take extra care while boating in North Harbour
  • put rubbish in the bin, including fishing lines and hooks, even if it’s not your own
  • keep your dog on a leash at all times when walking around foreshore areas
  • keep your cat contained to your property and keep it indoors at night
  • report roaming dogs, cats or foxes in foreshore areas to us on 1300 434 434
  • report sick, injured or dead penguins to NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service on 9457 9577
  • report anyone harming penguins or their habitat to the Environment Line on 131 555
  • contact our development advisory team on 1300 434 434 and get approval before removing vegetation or building in areas with little penguin habitat
  • become a Volunteer Penguin Warden to help penguins safely build their nests, breed, raise their young, feed and moult.

Learn more about Manly’s endangered Little Penguins