Tuesday, 10 January 2023

The young people of today will be the decision makers, innovators, and caretakers of our world tomorrow. We want to build a positive future for them on the Northern Beaches – and you can help.

Over 1,000 local young people told us their bright ideas, suggestions and solutions, and how they’re feeling right now to help us develop a 5-year action plan so we can make this future a reality. We’re asking for feedback so have a read and let us know if we’ve got it right.

Read more about what young people told us and what’s planned:

  1. Connection and resilience

“I feel like now more than ever there is a disconnect between kids and community. There is a divide between kids, support, community and services.”

“I would like to connect more at public spaces with other young people interested in drawing, writing and the environment.”

Find out what’s planned here.

  1. Belonging and safety

“There's little support, and it's often hard to get. When finding things, there are often few options available.”

“The biggest barrier for feeling safe in the Northern Beaches is the fears of discrimination and violence directly from difference of any type.”

Find out what’s planned here.

  1. Skills and knowledge

“There should be better community strategies implemented to help the youth learn how to make money and become financially independent.”

“I think when we all have a shot at things, and people are given the support they need, some really good stuff can happen.”

Find out what’s planned here.

  1. For youth, by youth

“I believe that young people are overlooked and due to a stigma around us (young people being seen as immature, stupid etc) our views aren’t taken seriously.”

“A lot of older people focus on their present, rather than our future. I would like decisions to not just be communicated to us but decided upon with us.”

Find out what’s planned here.

This is just a snippet of what local young people are telling us. Together, we’ve worked with them to create a plan for their future on the Northern Beaches.

Read the plan and tell us what you think, and encourage the young people in your life to do the same. Comments closing on Tuesday 28 February.