Wednesday, 19 July 2023

It’s daytime so that means its playtime! What better place to take the kids than down to your local playground and thanks to Council a number have recently been renewed.

Did you know there are currently 217 public playgrounds across the Northern Beaches?

The Northern Beaches playground network is diverse and consists of a range of spaces differing in size, play experience and supporting amenities.

From Freshwater to Palm Beach and in between, local and neighbourhood playgrounds including Palomar Reserve, Freshwater, Kapunda Reserve, Belrose, Anana Reserve, Elanora Heights, Coral Reserve, Avalon and Iluka Park, Palm Beach have received everything from updated equipment like swings, monkey bars slides and see saws to new landscaping and even footpaths, fences and water bubblers.  

We all know playgrounds are important spaces for community connection for children, families and carers to socialise, but they are also spaces to have fun and be active, so it is a great, not to mention cost-free activity, to do year-round.

Council is progressively renewing and upgrading its smaller local and neighbourhood playgrounds. View the projects page. to find out information on upcoming projects.

More information regarding how Council plans and manages playgrounds can be found in our Move, Outdoor Open Space and Recreation Strategy.