Wednesday, 5 July 2023

We are driving down our carbon emissions with new electric vehicles being added to our fleet.

Keep a look out for the 11 new electric vehicles we’re currently rolling out, which were co-funded through a NSW Government grant.

This will bring the total number of fully electric vehicles in Council’s fleet to 16, plus 10 hybrid vehicles.

Switching to electric vehicles is all part of our plan to achieve net zero emissions by 2045.

We are aiming for a 30% reduction in vehicle emissions by 2038.

Council is not going it alone, with many other councils making the switch. 

The NSW Government is aiming for 52% of new vehicle sales to be electric by 2030 and the Federal Government is aiming for 89% of new cars to be electric by 2030.

The Northern Beaches is one of the fastest growing areas for EV uptake and we are working with industry partners to make sure there are enough local charging stations to keep pace with demand.

There are around 26 locations across the Northern Beaches where you can charge your electric vehicle, with 15 more in the pipeline. Many of these off-street locations have more than one charger so multiple vehicles can charge at the same time.

Last year, we also announced our involvement in the new Intellihub EV streetside charging project which could see up to 7 EV chargers installed on street side power poles.

We encourage all our residents to consider making the switch to electric vehicles and together we can reduce our carbon footprint.

To find out where you can charge your electric vehicle check out the Transport for NSW map